Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Mari Lon Tarot Deck Introduction

       Art of Tarot is for the second time back under the hills of Monte Verita!

This time along with personal readings, we have a pleasure of introducing our brand new tarot deck in making - Mari Lon Tarot deck & the major arcana, we dreamed of creating for some time now. Mesmerising, visinary artwork by Serbian born Swiss artist Ana D'Apuzzo will take you to another dimension and it will be my great pleasure to give a voice to those magical images & channel those messages to the audience.

Join us on this exciting journey at the Studio Ana D'Apuzzo, Ascona, Switzerland, on Saturday, 8pm, 4th February 2023.

Discover the mystery of the tarot cards, learn how to use it for your own spiritual development before being able to help others. If the Tarot is a new world to you or you have some knowledge, you are at the right place. This two hours workshop sets you on a journey of exploration. And this is just the beginning. The Fool's Journey is a metaphor for the journey through life. Each major arcana card stands for a stage on that journey - an experience that a person must incorporate to realise his wholeness. As we begin to understand the common archetypes and mythology each of humanity we are able to tap into what Carl Jung called the Collective Unconscious. Tarot is a wonderful tool to help us bring these aspects of ourselves to the surface and give the clarity we seek.

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